
Stanev v Bulgaria

Author / Contributor: Kris Gledhill
Stanev v Bulgaria
Issue: Whether a placement in a social care home arranged by a local authority guardian of a man declared to have impaired capacity was a deprivation of liberty for the purposes of Art 5 ECHR; whether the conditions of detention breached Arts 3 and/or 13; whether there was a breach of Art 6 in relation to proceedings to restore capacity; whether there was a breach of Art 8.
Court: ECtHR (Grand Chamber)
Reference:   appn 36760/06
Neutral Citation:  
Judge(s): N Bratza (President), J-P Costa, F Tulkens, J Casadevall, N Vajic, D Spielmann, L Garlicki, K Hajiyev, E Myjer, I Berro-Lefèvre, L López Guerra, ML Trajkovska, Z Kalaydjieva, G Yudkivska, VA de Gaetano, A Nußberger, J Laffranque
Date: 17 January 2012